Private Lesson Rate:
$34 per hour
Skating background:
I have been skating since I was 3 years old and I have always loved watching competitive skating. I have trained with various professional coaches throughout my time skating, as well as being a student of Brittyni Carlson for most of my career. I’ve placed and competed at many competitions including winning 1st place for dramatic interpretation of music at Valley Figure Skating Club. My teaching experience ranges from shadowing, Learn to Skate, Club, and learning from my coaches. I am on a coaching team with Brittyni Carlson and Payton Winkler.
Personal Levels Attained:
Senior MIF, Pre-Gold Dance, Senior Solo Freedance, Novice Freeskate. PSA Certified.
Other Credentials:
Co-Coach of Theatre on Ice program with Alaina Theis. Pursuing a BFA Acting degree from UW Stevens-Point and I have been acting and performing for four years.
Personal Background:
I love to workout, perform in musicals in plays, compete at competitive forensics tournaments, and hang out with my friends and family.